Saturday, 8 December 2018

Sims 4 | Not-So-Berry Challenge 1.2

Bay day at work?

Peony: :D

Seema: *isn't paying attention*

Seema: you've barely touched your spaghetti

Peony: now she notices me

My two year old sleeps exactly like this in real life lol

They don't call it the terrible two's for nothing.

Floss: why do I have to age-up the grumpy little monster?

Basically a teenager already. She certainly has the attitude.

I've never seen a child so happy to do homework.

Peony doesn't look entirely sure about the slip-n-slide.

Wearing Seema's makeup.

She did this all the damn time

Working on his mischief skill.

Elaborate schemes!

And mushrooms.

Because apparently the cafeteria's sandwiches aren't veggie-friendly...

Floss: want some?

Ready for Summer.

Seema: how was your day sweetheart?

Peony: well this morning...

Peony: ... and then I played on the monkey bars-

Floss: I don't care about all that kid stuff, I spent all day talking to a robot and eating mushrooms, you guys need to hear me vent about it

Floss: I love being a scientist

Floss: but it's a love-hate relationship

Floss looks so proud of his child.

And off he goes to troll people.

First day into the PlantSim challenge.

He's doing it for science.


Faaaabulous darling.

Don got old!


For the flirty bean...

Success! Thanks plant man.

More #ts2feels

Seema can make confident drinks, so that's the plan for the confident bean...

Unfortunately it was a failure.