Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Sims 4 | Not-So-Berry Challenge 3.1

Peony is now retired and living the good life!

Caleb is an adorable elder omg

Sol is working so hard in his new gym...

Waiting for his love <3

wow, you think you’ve found a secluded spot and some peepin’ Tom has to spoil it.

I forgot ts4 doesn’t screenshot thought bubbles, but this lady was thinking of a thumbs up which I found amusing because it made her look like even more of a creeper.

*sigh* Caleb you’re supposed to be getting aspiration points so you can get a potion of youth.

I don't know how fragile elders are but Peony keeps getting the dangerously overworked moodlet and it freaks me out, I don't want Caleb to die from a vampire (though there's a hint of irony there)

I want my elders to be alive for their grandchild this time!

Red-haired dude (in my imagination): are you alright? should I do the kiss of life?

Red-haired dude (actual in-game action): *spontaneous push-ups* 

I need to visit a spa...

And wow weird, Peony's hair turned red again.

And her hair is back to normal, ready for date night.

They went from cute kisses and completely maxed relationships to attacking each other and having the friendship bar go waaaaay down - and this kept happening.

That’s never happened to me before, so I don’t know if this is normal gameplay but it was interesting nonetheless!

Sol… if you want to increase your fitness, you have to actually use the machine.

Sol has really grown into his features! <3

I wasn’t sure how he went from cute kid to awkward teen, but adulthood suits him!

Weird to think this was that kid with the bear phase lol

This is a lovely picture, until you see that face behind the stairs lol

I keep forgetting that Sims 4 doesn’t capture thought bubbles *face palm*

But Caleb was thinking about money here, lol.

Woman don’t you dare turn down my sunshine boy-

My game wouldn’t pause at the good frames so this is what you get of their hot tub shenanigans.

Sol is making up for his very lonely adolescence.

After all that woohoo I can’t say I’m surprised.

All the men with their disappointed faces, you should be happy you’re a fertile sim to carry on the legacy!

Sol: oh yeah, that's true

Sol: my job’s better

Peony still has such a pretty face

Sol thought he looked so cool in his uniform until his mum came over and ruined it all.

Caleb’s not getting involved but I love that this was his face the entire time.

Floss: lady, you are ALL baby, why are you telling me this like I’ve never seen a pregnancy before


Belle forgot she was supposed to have a bump.

It’s as if they didn’t fight at all… I don’t get these two.

A quick, quiet wedding for the lonely clumsy heir.

And he’s finally off.

I’ve never had a sim come here and I’ve never even seen pictures before so this was exciting for me!

I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the aliens, there was no one around for so long I didn’t expect to see any!