The most lifeless family picture ever.
We left off with Everard on his birthday. He's now an adult!
What a fine young man he turned out to be.
He's already on the look out.
Aw, his first rejection. Just like how his parents first met!
Hey look, another football-fan!
Everard's having a little more success with this lady.
Nice family meal.
I wonder where Ty is?
Alicia: Whatcha doooing?
Everard: Looking for my own place
Alicia: D:
Everard: I'll move back in if I'm the heir but for now there's too many sims
As I said in the first post, this was originally a BACC and the actual reason I moved him out was for more households because more households unlocked more CAS sims. I'm kinda sad he moved out but I'll still play with him when he's living alone alongside the main household
Aw, I'm getting emotional!
Everard: Later!
And off he goes.
This is where my game got glitchy so from here on out it's just a regular Sims legacy.
I moved them out of their old lot, bulldozed everything and placed down new lots and built them a brand new house. They had about §60,000!
So I built them up a new house and before I had a chance to even start on the inside, I only had §300 left!
... worth it.
Also note that I forgot to change the settings within my game so until I realised and fixed the settings, the pictures are going to be SO low quality. I'm eternally sorry, please forgive me *hides*
And I do have a screenshot-capture program on my computer, and I do run it while I play but I keep forgetting to press the different key, it's a habit to go straight for the C button when I'm simming!
I really should try to get into the habit though, I mean look at this quality in comparison--
Way better than the next bunch of pics.
Prepare your poor eyes as they squint hard trying to make any kind of sense of the jumbled mess of pixels turning my shots into digital crap. Yeah I'm annoyed with myself. I PROMISE I will sort my habits out by the next post so we'll bear with this for now. Lets continue!
I also gave Michelle a new hairstyle, I'm not sure if I'm liking it on her?
We'll see.
And omg the cringe, how awful is this picture? Takes me back to the days when I was at school and I didn't know straight away that you could change the snapshot settings.
Priceless expression (if you can even see it here)
I wasn't kidding about running out of money before starting on the inside of the house. Look at it all that space.
Actually, you can see better here:
Completely empty.
Alicia, Jackson and Smitty age up in just one day, so here's some shots of their faces because cuteness.
Painting brings him so much joy.
Ty: You little shit.
They played a game and Ty lost.
Oh wow, birthday time already? I was mistaken about them having one day left.
All grow-d up.
I have a nicer pic of Smitty here
Mmm, dat alpha hair tho.
Random alien kid from an old family back when this was a BACC.
Moving on...
How teenagers eat: instant food and snacks.
The flowers won't take care of themselves, and he can't afford a gardener.
Jackson: Hey bro!
Smitty: Hey bro!
Some Teen: Hey me!
Jackson: UGH! I need the PC! Friggin' sisters!
Some Teen: You know, one of us needs to change our shirt
Other Teen: Well I'm not changing, this is my favourite shirt!
Other Teen: I like your face
Alicia: lol duh
She's not impressed mate
These kids just won't leave.
Michelle and Ty embarrassing their triplets.
And they're still here. Probably talking about their shared tastes.
This was supposed to be mac n cheese.
I doubt anyone's going to be wanting Alicia cooking their meals.
The chair's eating Michelle!
No wait, she's seems to be okay.
He's not even looking at her. I guess he's just not into her.
As if they don't have enough kids already.
Well, they still have some time left as adults. I feel like I might have used the elixir of life on them. I've never liked the thought of them dying eventually. :(
I love it when they're together like this.
The problem with having 3 teenage kids and one bathroom.
The triplets have an after school job and Jackson's happy to be home. Smitty got a promotion but looks miserable.
I'm not joking, it was Smitty that got the promotion.
This guy is ALWAYS walking past the house.
*singing* Ty's got bills he needs to pay, so he's gonna paint paint paint every day
Ty's got mouths he's gotta feed, so he's gonna make sure everyone can eat
He looks so done with everything.
Ty: When are you going to fix these terrible pictures?
... When I realise my mistake?
Ty: They're so blurry and horrible, you're ruining my legacy!
I'm sorry! I'm upset about this too, you know!
This is why you need a gardener.
Also, yay! Improved picture quality!
He put that plate down then complained about the mess.
He then proceeded to throw them in the trashcan outside.
They were apparently in such a state that they were beyond saving.
The teens never have a high enough fun need to work on their homework throughout the week, but Alicia mostly keeps on top of hers at least.
Not that she enjoys it any better.
He didn't get electrocuted, thank god.
Baby incoming!
... Again!!
The kids look... amused?
There was only one this time, to my relief.
This is Desmond Lynch, another boy.
Every single one of their kids have inherited Ty's hair, eyes and skin. I would have at least liked one of them to have Michelle's green eyes or red hair, geez.
Where did Alicia go?
To bed. Because watching your mum have a baby is exhausting.
Jackson: What is life?
In the end she decided she wanted to meet her baby brother, too.
Smitty: Why is my brother giving me evils?
He's so pleased with himself.
Probably of his genetics being so dominant.
Ty: I have great offspring
Oh come on, the crib is RIGHT there!!
Daddy Ty to the rescue!
What's with these guys?
I'm also guessing he tried to bleach his hair to match the other guys blond hair, but he got a bad case of hair-loss instead.
He wanted to invite someone out on a date, but when he tried to call a sim he only had two options - his brother and a random teenager dude that I wasn't keen on.
So I got him chatting with more sims on the computer.
Someone killed the baby!!
False alarm, just needs a new nappy.
... why is this baby STILL on the floor?
Jackson: Hm, better pick him up
Michelle: How is a sim supposed to sleep with that noise?
Michelle: Better.
This seems to be Ty's "thing", I don't see any other sims doing it.
Ty: This would look so good in exchange for cold, hard cash!
That's his dinner.
Some kind of beverage.
Seems legit.
Okay so that's what I did the last time I played, I'll upload another part when I've made some progress.
I don't know if Desmond is going to be a candidate for the role of heir, he's more of a special treat because I've missed this family so much and I'm so happy to have them back.
I hope you enjoyed the craziness, hopefully there's a lot more of it to come!